EOT: Learner Engagement

Effective Online Teaching: Learner Engagement

Time limit: 180 days
5 credits


Full course description

Communication in an online learning environment assumes many forms, and effective online instructors rely heavily on a variety of mediums to relay important information concerning student progress and mastery to stakeholders. Whether the communication is with the student via feedback or with stakeholders regarding learner progress, online instructors are responsible for helping learners reach content mastery through instruction and quality feedback using various formats.

Resource cultivation also plays an important role as teachers must ensure that learners have necessary course resources and the information needed to navigate the learning platform and perform required tasks in a timely manner. Data usage is important to sustain positive learner engagement. The online classroom affords unparalleled opportunities to personalize teaching and learning. Data is available on nearly every activity of both the teacher and student. Therefore, an effective online teacher must learn to evaluate this data to adjust both instruction and student activities.Personalizing learning and differentiating instruction based on abilities is great teaching in any environment.

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